
Ms. Mulligan is a prolific writer. Her publications include the following:

May 2024

Mass (Data) Confusion, The Legal Framework for Personal Information Ownership in the U.S., Chapter, UIA, Property Rights Over Personal Data, (2024) Publication Pending.

September 2023

Weathering the Storm of Transatlantic Data Regulations published in international Lexing Network International Newsletter

April 2023

Jan Mulligan’s article “Well-Being in Law: A Global Call to Action” featured in Juriste International.

September 2022

Jan Mulligan’s article “Hacking Each Other to Death: Cyber-War and the Russia-Ukraine Conflict” featured in Juriste International.

September 2021

Jan Mulligan Power Point at a UIA international Science & Law conference in Trieste Italy on “AI in U.S. Healthcare: Will the robotic doctor see us now?

July 2021

Jan Mulligan’s article “Jabbing Around the World: Global Disparities Accessing SARS-CoV-2 Vaccines” appears in the Summer edition of Juriste International.

April 2021

Jan Mulligan is a speaker and moderator at an international webinar Power Point presentation  “COVID Contact Tracing: Progress or Privacy at the Crossroads?”

April 2020

Janice Mulligan co-authors peer reviewed international journal article:
Trace, Test, and Treat COVID-19: A Tale of Two Cultures
Juriste International, International Association of Attorneys

May 2020

Jan Mulligan moderated an international discussion among physicians and lawyers for the UIA Health Law Commission Power Point Presentation entitled “How Technology and Medicine are Helping/Hindering the COVID-19 Pandemic”. 

August 2019

“Jury Selection: The Make-It-Or-Break-It Phase of a Trial” article co-authored by Jan Mulligan appears in GPSolo Magazine, a publication of the American Bar Association

June 2019

Jan Mulligan, President of the UIA Health Law Commission, presents Power Point at the opening session of the international UIA Seminar in NYC: “Welcome to the Age of Big Health Data! Will It be a Cure or a Curse?”

November 2018

Jan Mulligan was a featured speaker at the International Association of Attorneys (UIA) Congress in Porto, Portugal.  Power Point Presentation “Biometric & Big Health Data is Here to Stay: Can’t leave it…Can We Learn to Love it?” A link to her power point is available here (pdf).

September 2017

Jan Mulligan publishes health and privacy article in ABA TIPS Journal:  Is Health Care’s Green Button a Kill Switch for Privacy?

2016‘Mulligan, JF, Berger VL, et al., How Would You Like Your Pacemaker to be Hacked? Healthcare Cyber Vulnerability: A Risk Management Nightmare for the 21st Century, Juriste Magazine, Union Internationale des Avocats (Spring, 2016)

Mulligan, JF, Berger VL, Cybermedicine: Technological Boon or Data Security Nightmare?, The Warrior , Trial Lawyers College (Spring, 2016)


Mulligan, JF, Wine, C, New Age of Mediation: U.S. Medical Malpractice Mediation University of Bologna , Journal Sicurezza e Scienze Sociali


Mulligan, JF, Hansen, HH, Uitto,J., Craig,PA, Garfin, SR, “Legal Implications and Strategies”,Chapter, Bridwell KH, Editor-in-Chief: The Textbook of Spinal Surgery, 3d ed.(2012)


Braun, JA and Mulligan, JF, Discovery in the Wandering or Elopement Case. Long-Term Care Litigation, Volume 4, Number I (2000) Reprinted with permission, The Elder Law Portfolio Series , Vol.I, ed by Harry S. Margolies (2006, 2007)

Braun, JA and Mulligan, JF Litigating the Nursing Home Wandering or Elopement Case, Part I: Standard of Care and Discovery (2001) Long Term Litigation 4-5, Reprinted with permission, The Elder Law Portfolio Series, Vol.I, ed by Harry S. Margolies (2006, 2007)

Mulligan, JF, Levin, Steven M. Levin, Litigating Nursing Home Wandering Cases, 2 Elder’s Advisor 9-20 (2000) Reprinted with permission, The Elder Law Portfolio Series , Vol.I, ed by Harry S. Margolies (2006, 2007)


Mulligan JF 10 Rules For Succeeding in a Solo/Small Firm with a Plaintiff’s Personal Injury Practice American Bar Association, Presidential Showcase Annual Meeting, August, 2003 Republished in TIPS Brief, Fall, 2004 ed


Mulligan JF Taking the Experts’ Deposition American Bar Association Tort, Trial and Insurance Practice Section Trial Techniques (Summer, 2003)


Mulligan JF Medical Sleuthing American Bar Association Journal, Vol. 86 61, January (2000)

  • DiCaro, J.R., Mulligan, J.F., Reeve, T.B., Medical Malpractice in California Handbook National Business Institute (1996 updated 1997,1998,1999,2000 and 2001)
  • Fischer, D., Giovanello, A., Mulligan, J.F., Elder Abuse Tort Claims in California National Business Institute (1999, updated 2000)
  • Diachenko, T.M., Mulligan, J.F., HMO’s, IPO’s, IPP’s, When Are Health Care Professionals Liable? Ulrich, Nash, & Gump, Inc. (1999)


Jan is not only knowledgeable and professional, but she has a true heart for helping people. Practicing law is her ‘purpose and passion’ and she displays this through her compassion and caring, [and] her fire and tenacity. Jan fights for her clients and she does not back down. She is honest and direct.

Client P

I cannot say enough about the professionalism and knowledge Jan has shown. She is on it! People like her are so rare to come by. I would give her 10 stars if I could! I will recommend her to any friend or family member I know.

Client CH

A skilled team who understands people as well as law.

Client EK

They give their everything and more. Super Smart, Super Diligent, Compassionate, Warm and Caring, Upfront and Honest.

Client MM

Jan was nothing short of amazing in her verbal dominance of the other side in depositions and trial arguments. Let’s say I am very glad she was on my side of the table. At the conclusion of my case the judge looked at me and said, hope you appreciate the Herculean effort that your lawyers gave in this case. Believe me I did! That’s just how they roll.

Client A.V.