Day: January 9, 2017

California penalizes hospitals for preventable errors, through the only program of its kind in the nation.  But the program has failed to make a significant difference in curbing mistakes, the Union Tribune reports.  UT reporter Paul Sisson has some excellent tips on how YOU can protect yourself when seeking medical care:

[View the full article]

“* ALTERNATIVES: Inquire about better alternatives to the procedure you’ve been recommended. Visit for information about which treatments may be unnecessary.

* HIGH VOLUME: Choose a hospital, whenever possible, that performs a high volume of the procedure you need to undergo. Studies show such places and physicians tend to have better outcomes for that procedure.

* VACCINATIONS: Verify that your vaccinations are up to date before you’re admitted to the hospital.

* CURRENT MEDICATIONS: Tell your doctor, nurse, pharmacist and anyone else involved in your care about what medications you’re taking. Arrive at the hospital with your full list of drugs and be honest about any other self-medication. That includes dietary supplements, vitamins, herbs and recreational drugs.

* ALLERGIC REACTIONS: List any medications you shouldn’t take because of reasons such as allergic reactions or other known adverse outcomes.

* LABELING: Make sure all medicines you receive in the hospital — including through syringes, tubes, bags and pill bottles — have labels. Don’t be afraid to read these labels to see if they match what your physician prescribed.

* HAND-WASHING: Ask caregivers to wash their hands before they tend to you, if they haven’t done so. Unwashed hands are a main way of spreading infection in hospitals.

* CHECKLISTS: Find out whether your surgeon uses a checklist for your operation. Research shows that such checklists, even simple ones that include steps for preventing infection, can significantly lessen the error rate.

* SURGERY SITE: Confirm with nurses, imaging technicians, anesthesiologists and your doctor that they have correctly identified the part of your body targeted for a procedure. For example, all of your caregivers should agree on which kidney, knee or arm is slated for surgery. One common step is for the surgeon to sign his/her name on the area targeted for surgery.

* CATHETERS: Request an update each day on when your central-line or urinary catheter can be removed. Studies show that catheters, a prime source of infection, are often left in place long after they’re no longer needed.

* BEFORE YOU LEAVE: Go over all medication instructions before leaving the hospital.

* ASK AWAY: Ask as many questions as you need. If you don’t understand something your caregivers are about to do, speak up. Doctors, nurses and others should take action based on your consent.”



Jan is not only knowledgeable and professional, but she has a true heart for helping people. Practicing law is her ‘purpose and passion’ and she displays this through her compassion and caring, [and] her fire and tenacity. Jan fights for her clients and she does not back down. She is honest and direct.

Client P

I cannot say enough about the professionalism and knowledge Jan has shown. She is on it! People like her are so rare to come by. I would give her 10 stars if I could! I will recommend her to any friend or family member I know.

Client CH

A skilled team who understands people as well as law.

Client EK

They give their everything and more. Super Smart, Super Diligent, Compassionate, Warm and Caring, Upfront and Honest.

Client MM

Jan was nothing short of amazing in her verbal dominance of the other side in depositions and trial arguments. Let’s say I am very glad she was on my side of the table. At the conclusion of my case the judge looked at me and said, hope you appreciate the Herculean effort that your lawyers gave in this case. Believe me I did! That’s just how they roll.

Client A.V.